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[Startup MVP recipes #11] Nest.js Run Unit Tests with Github Actions

If interested, please also check previous two articles on setting up the tests: References Config On PR open, we will trigger this github action workflow on the cloud and let it run the checks remotely. Demo

[Startup MVP recipes #10] Nest.js Unit Testing: Mocking service and the universal mock

Intro and TL; DR In last article:, we had a first glance at how to setup unit test with jest, and inject an in-memory postgres for testing the services. Now we move back to write unit tests for resolvers, and the idea and philosophy… Read More »[Startup MVP recipes #10] Nest.js Unit Testing: Mocking service and the universal mock

[Startup MVP recipes #9] Nest.js TypeORM Postgres Unit Testing (service only)with Jest, pg-mem

In this tutorial we will cover basic strategy of unit testing a service in Nest.js + TypeORM setup. We don’t create an environment for test purpose, but instead, we use pg-mem adapter to run a local in-memory Postgres simulator instance. In this way the db… Read More »[Startup MVP recipes #9] Nest.js TypeORM Postgres Unit Testing (service only)with Jest, pg-mem